


Here are a few key things you need to know about what might be waiting for you when you earn your bachelor’s degree in psychology.

There are plenty of misconceptions surrounding a bachelor’s degree in psychology. 事实是a 心理学学位可以打开很多机会的大门 在有写字板和沙发的角落办公室后面. 事实是, 和所有学位一样, there’s an incredible number of opportunities available to you once you get it. A bachelor’s degree in psychology isn’t locking you into one thing, 它打开了十几扇不同的门!

无论你是最近才决定攻读这个学位, here are a few key things you need to know about what might be waiting for you when you earn your bachelor’s degree in psychology.


Students in a bachelor's in psychology program develop skills like scientific reasoning, 批判性思维, 协作, and effective communication to better prepare them for careers where they will work with others on interpersonal development. 课程将侧重于科学推理等主题, 人类发展, 认知功能, 激励理论, 的关系, 开始咨询策略, 上瘾, 以及提高科研能力和能力的方法. Courses within a psychology program that could be a specified focus of students range from Health 心理学, 社会心理学, 认知心理学与法医学 心理学.

而不是为你准备一条专门的职业道路, earning a bachelor’s degree in psychology qualifies you for entry into a wide variety of rewarding jobs and potential career pathways.

What is Herzing’s 心理学学士学位 program like?

Herzing大学 心理学学士学位 curriculum is designed based on the Guidelines for the Undergraduate 心理学 Major as stipulated by the 美国心理学会 (APA).

软件下载的课程涵盖了主要的理论框架, with additional emphasis on mental health for diverse populations and preparing students to work in settings that improve the health and wellness of individuals and their surrounding communities. As a student in Herzing’s 心理学学士学位 program, you will receive access to:

  • 在线课程.
  • 注重职业发展课程.
  • 虚拟服务包括学术咨询, tutoring, 支持服务, 技术支持和图书馆服务
  • 全面的学生服务和职业发展

“Students in the psychology program will learn a wide variety of skills that will help them thrive in all work settings including understanding human behavior, 动机, 学习与认知, research, 沟通技巧和人际关系,”医生说。. 伊丽莎白·威尔逊博士.D.,城市生活垃圾,城市生活垃圾,深圳大学社会工作幸运28计划主席. “Our unique focus on behavioral health opens the doors for numerous entry-level careers in the helping professions as well as several graduate paths at Herzing that will allow students to make even more of an impact on people’s lives.”


Now is an excellent time to consider earning an education if you’re considering working in the areas of substance abuse, 行为障碍, 心理健康.

根据一项研究 国家心理健康研究所 (NIMH),几乎每5个美国人中就有一个.S. adults live with a mental illness and there is a great need for mental health professionals to provide support for those suffering from anxiety, 酗酒, 上瘾, 抑郁症, 以及其他心理健康问题.

Other careers available around clinical, counseling, school or developmental services include:

  • 职业/就业辅导员
  • 社区及社会服务专员
  • 人力资源顾问
  • 市场研究分析师
  • 人员招聘
  • 精神技术员
  • Psychometrist
  • 公共关系代表
  • 研究助理
  • 受害者的倡导者

并不是只有这些职业对你开放. 虽然 are 有很多机会直接与客户合作, 也有很多其他的工作机会.

根据一项研究 美国心理学会 (APA), other common primary jobs for individuals with a bachelor’s degree in psychology include:

  • 会计/金融/合同
  • 员工关系
  • 管理/监督
  • 专业服务
  • Research
  • Sales
  • Teaching

The future is wide open for you with this degree — it can set you up for success with a foundation of learning and skills you can’t find anywhere else!


The other major benefit of this degree is its role as a part of a longer pathway toward other degrees that can help elevate your future career or accelerate you toward new opportunities. Some post-graduate programs at Herzing大学 you could consider include:

You can begin your journey toward the career path that’s right for you by enrolling in Herzing’s 学士 心理学学位 今天的计划. For more information or to connect with a career counselor, visit Herzing’s 网上招生部.



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook Handbook 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level wages and/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, age, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the average salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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